Timing is EVERYTHING - Took three kids to church with me by myself since Devin was sick. Shannon did NOT want to take a nap. I missed all of Sunday School, and part of R.S. My dear friend took her out for me while I played the opening song since she was screaming. I finally got her to calm down and fall to sleep with 10 minutes left. At 5 minutes left she woke up and pooped REALLY loudly - pretty much broke the mood with everyone laughing. Went up to play the closing song, which I really didn't know, and got something caught in my contact. Talk about a bad 5 minutes. Walked around the whole building to find Ashlyn since they moved her class, all the while pulling a three year old behind me, carrying a car seat with a screaming, poopy child, and two heavy bags. Needless to say, I was exhausted when I got home. I probably would have skipped Sacrament Meeting that day, except that I was being sustained in my new calling (adding to the one I already have as the R.S. pianist)... the ward organist.
Ward Organist - Well, I guess I always new this day would come eventually and I pretty much am under the impression that once you are the organist, you will always be the organist. I always wanted to learn to play and actually took a few lessons from our current organist a couple years ago. In theory I understand how to do it, but to make it actually work - that's a whole other ball game. I quit taking lessons because I was "too busy" with two kids and piano students. HAHA. Another child, preschool for my girls, piano, and a job from home - I guess Heavenly Father thinks I can do better this time around. This is another test of my will and strength to see how much I can handle. I really am excited to try to learn - and now I will have to make the time to do it. Right now I will only be playing every other week, switching with the current organist, but they are selling their house, so we'll see what happens after that. I hope that we are blessed with patient children from now on, because Devin will be alone with the three of them while I am up there playing. I guess only time will tell.
Timing is EVERYTHING Part 2 - Why, oh why is it than whenever I sit down and just start to feed Shannon that I hear Megan yell "Mooooom, I'm ready to wipe"....????
Sleep? Sleep? Where did you creep?- The past few nights sleep has eluded me. Partly because I stay up too late after I get the kiddies to bed so I can actually get something done. Last night was especially crazy. I finally got into bed at 1:00 which is way later than normal, but I thought I would still get in a good 7 hours. I was somewhat uncomfortable since Shannon had eaten and gone to bed at 6:30 and hadn't waken up yet for another feeding. I really though she would wake up any minute. No, instead I woke to Devin yelling my name. I jumped up and ran and there is Ashlyn standing over the sink. She had woken up with a bloody nose. Her face and jammies were covered and her bed was a mess. After cleaning her up, re-making the bed and starting yet another load of laundry, I finally made it back to bed at 2:30. 5:00 Shannon finally woke up - (by this point, I'm really hurtin'). She ate and went right back to bed - this is the longest she has slept in her little life. By 7:00 Megan was in my room really coughing and totally stuffy with a little bit of a fever.
Needless to say that this day has been long and hear I am still awake at 11:00 pm. Between 5 blowout diapers, Megan sick, putting out fires at work all day, you can't be surprised that I'm still in my pajamas from last night, Megan and Ashlyn walked around in their swimming suits all day, we had pizza for dinner (again), and the laundry STILL isn't done.
I really do love being a mother and wouldn't trade it for anything! We'll see if I can look back at it all and laugh!
Oh Amanda! I hope you will laugh too. I am so sorry. You are an amazing mom to my three beautiful granddaughters. I love you!
ReplyDeleteoh man!! Can I ever relate and I only have two kids, no job, and one calling!!! I am sure you are amazing like your mommy says, and someday we will all look back and laugh!! PS my son is 7 months and he still blows out every sunday super loud, generally in the middle of passing the sacrament!! super times
ReplyDeleteI sometimes wonder if it's all worth it to go to church with babies. But we all do it anyway. . .